So when Diablo 3 was released I was one of the first that tried to get into the Diablo 3 servers at 2 AM Central time. My husband wanted to stay up, but work takes precedence. Considering that we opted in for the 1 year subscription of WoW to get Diablo 3 for free digitally, we still went and purchased a collectors edition for the game. Because I like Collectors Edition. So far the Collectors Edition were sold out everywhere here and fortunately for us, my husband was able to buy it off Amazon or ebay… one of the two, and my friend of 10 years didn’t feel like he really wanted his CE so we bought it off him.
Backtracking to the launching of the game I get ready to log on and boom… I get in I create a character and then it’s trying to create the character and then I get this error that states I can’t create the character or something. I try again six or seven times and it takes five to ten minutes each creation before I get the error. So of course twitter feeds are blowing up with the error codes starting to trend on the worldwide trending list. After twenty minutes of trying to get into the game I just gave up and went to bed. Didn’t touch Diablo 3 for about two or three weeks I guess, but did watch my husband finish Diablo 3 in a few days of him playing it when he had the time.
All the while I was too busy trying to finish Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3 for the second time around on the 360. Well I then got to playing Diablo 3 and when I got to my character screen, I saw 6 Demon Hunters that I created the day I started on the list ready to go. All the same name. This was just funny to me cause I didn’t realize I made that many. Deleted all but one and started to play.
Got my Demon Hunter to 60 in about two weeks of playing it I think, probably more than two weeks, I didn’t keep track so now I am on Infernal mode and doing my best to get through this mode with the gear I have. Of course I died at the Butcher trying to kill him all by myself only got him down to like 45% health. I am now going back through Hellmode to get some more gold so I can purchase some better equipment off the Auction House.
As much as I can say about the game it’s a beautifully rendered game, although with the recent updates the gamma seems to be very low and I barely can see any monsters coming at me when I am in dark caves and the fog particles are so thick. I even tried to fixed the graphic options to what I had before and it still doesn’t seem to take. I don’t know why but I suppose I have to deal with it.
I’m also not the fan of the point click move type game but this is that type of game and if I want to get through it I must get use to it. Which I probably did because I kept trying to click point move in WoW when I went back to that game for the first time in three months. =/